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diagramiseis odon top

The group of horizontal marking materials includes all road marking materials of every type and color. These materials are divided in categories, depending on their use, their endurance and their chemical status.
According to EN 1871 the main categories are the following:

•    One component dissolved in esters
•    One component dissolved in water
•    Two component cold plastics
•    Thermoplastics
•    Prefabricated road markings

MAYCON company produces and applies all above sorts described in the European Norms, according with the requirements of ISO 9001 quality management system.
Above mentioned sorts are cross-tested in order to certify foretype road marking systems by achieving maximum endurance, luminosity, whiteness and night reflection even under rain conditions.

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•    Highways
•    Provincial Roads
•    Airports
•    Parking
•    Pedestrian Lines
•    Industrial Floors
•    Cycle Paths
•    Sports Facilities


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